The Importance Of Learning Environment

It is important to increase the joy of learning with a rapidly adaptable learning environment. Technological development and new studying solutions have made information and communications technology a focus of learning environment discussions. Various technology, mobile equipment, cloud services and virtual studying environments are available, but will they change the daily reality of learning?

Technology in learning environment

The harnessing of information and communications technologies is a tool to support learning and it hasn’t significantly changed physical learning environments. The quality of physical environment influences studying process and quality of studying far more than we think. Development work is concentrated on a job studying and recognition of prior studying.

Blended learning and ubiquitous society allow learning environments to be united in a comprehensive solution that supports studying in a brand new way. A studying environment is a studying setting consisting of physical environment, psychological factors and social relationships. Physical environment also covers technical studying environment which refers to instructional technology.

Types of studying environments

Emotional studying environment covers cognitive environment, which suggests information as well as skills to be learnt, emotional environment, which includes emotions and motivation. Social studying environment includes a social network, structure and system, that are affected by all the people involved with studying situation and interaction between them.

Educational studying environment covers pedagogical methods and practices utilized in learning and teaching. Kind of competence created throughout studying process is the basis for choosing both contents and approach selection pedagogics and methods used for studying content. Learning environment is a crucial factor to be taken into consideration during planning in order for environment to support a teaching method to be used.

Studying environment should be built taking into consideration the needs of different students, enabling the use of multiple channels in studying situations. The use of multiple channels in teaching as well as studying supports various studying styles and enriches the creation of memory traces.

The meaning of physical studying environment for studying outcomes has been studied relatively little, as well as research has targeted learning of kids or young people. The study compared studying outcome of students who were studying in active studying environment to students who were studying in conventional learning environment. Brisbane tutors teaching math learning outcome of students who were studying in active studying environment improved so much that they even exceeded their capabilities which was measured with a standardised test.

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